Our new puppy! & outfit of the day // 8-2-2015



   http://www.choies.com/pimages1/72567/9.jpghttp://lp.hm.com/hmprod?set=key%5Bsource%5D,value%5B/model/2013/2DV%200213009%20001%2051%209192.jpg%5D&set=key%5Brotate%5D,value%5B%5D&set=key%5Bwidth%5D,value%5B%5D&set=key%5Bheight%5D,value%5B%5D&set=key%5Bx%5D,value%5B%5D&set=key%5By%5D,value%5B%5D&set=key%5Btype%5D,value%5BSTILL_LIFE_FRONT%5D&hmver=2&call=url%5Bfile:/product/large%5D 'Mirror' Crisscross Strap Leather Ankle Boot (Women) Spanx         

So, great news! Our new puppy arrived! Okay that sounded like I am talking about something I ordered from the internet. But for real.. She is the cutest! I've talked about her before on this post. We picked her up yesterday and it was a long drive home. She did great! I am walking on clouds right now. Yuki is the most fluffiest cutest and sweetest pup I have ever seen. If you follow me on instagram you´ll know how obsessed I am. I just can´t wait to see her grow up and just be there for her. I will keep you updated!


  1. Woo, congrats on your seriously adorable new puppy! Love your skirt as well.

    :] // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  2. HOLY SMOKES, That puppy is way too cute!

  3. she looks so cute and fluffy! and i really like your outfit as well, that skirt especially is really pretty! x
